Meet Manuel Bustamante, a visionary filmmaker with a specialization in fashion and e-commerce. A graduate of La Sorbonne, Manuel's talent has caught the attention of prestigious brands, leading him to his current role at Louis Vuitton, where he has been creating captivating content for the past two years. With an eye for detail and a passion for storytelling, Manuel brings a unique perspective to the world of fashion filmography, pushing boundaries and setting new standards with every project he undertakes.
With a background in design, styling, and production, Martina honed her skills at IFM, one of the most prestigious fashion institutions in the world. Martina's keen eye for detail and innate sense of style have solidified her reputation as a trusted collaborator in the fashion and e-commerce sphere. She has worked alongside top stylists like Emmanuelle Alt and prestigious brands including Louis Vuitton, Lacoste, and Mugler.